Getting from Athens to Lamia was quite the dilemma. Our ferry from Santorini got in to Athens about 5 minutes before the last train to Lamia left- the last one was at midnight and then the next one wasn't until 5am! We made sure to be the first off the ship, and we ran across the street to the train station, but we were too late :/ We took the train over to another station, where the 5am train would leave from. By the time we got there it was 1am so we thought we could just sleep there, but after sitting in the rock-hard chairs and realizing it probably wasn't the safest idea, we booked a hotel within walking distance and slept for a few hours before walking back to the train station.
We finally got to Lamia, where Rusty and his trainer were waiting to pick us up! Running on such little sleep was starting to catch up to us, so we took a short nap. Kirsten had her own little twin size blow up mattress next to our bed haha. My friend was nice enough to let us borrow it. I was happy I didn't have to buy one just to leave it in Greece a couple weeks later.
That night we went to Rusty's volleyball game- with hopes that they would lose. I know that sounds crazy, but if they lost, Rusty's season would be over and since we had already bought him a ticket to go with us to Italy a couple days later, we were hoping the season would end. Luckily our prayers were answered because we lost haha. Most of Rusty's teammates had told us they wanted the season to be over too and I think it showed during the game, but hey! I'm not complaining :)
After the game, we went out to eat at Coyote, one of our favorite restaurants, and then gave Kirsten a taste of the Greek nightlife. We joined all of Rusty's teammates at Central, a coffee shop/bar that becomes like a club at night. My friend Patty works there and was bartending that night, so she prepared shots of pineapple juice for Rusty, Kirsten, and me haha.
The next day Kirsten, Rusty, Rusty's teammate Nikitas, and I went to the hot springs. We relaxed for a while and then drove up the road, to see the Leonidas Monument, which is where the 300 Spartan soldiers fought. Looking back, it was cool that we had those things so close to us.
I loved having Kirsten in Greece! Not only did I have a girlfriend to do things with, but I finally got to show her around the place we had been living for the past seven and a half months. The hardest part of living out of the country is not getting to see family or friends. Of course we try to make friends wherever we are, but we still miss our friends and family back in America, so I was so excited to have her there.After the game, we went out to eat at Coyote, one of our favorite restaurants, and then gave Kirsten a taste of the Greek nightlife. We joined all of Rusty's teammates at Central, a coffee shop/bar that becomes like a club at night. My friend Patty works there and was bartending that night, so she prepared shots of pineapple juice for Rusty, Kirsten, and me haha.
The next day Kirsten, Rusty, Rusty's teammate Nikitas, and I went to the hot springs. We relaxed for a while and then drove up the road, to see the Leonidas Monument, which is where the 300 Spartan soldiers fought. Looking back, it was cool that we had those things so close to us.
The next day the three of us took a train back down to Athens for our flight to Italy!!